The SXGA-1012SD DVI driver board for the eMagin SXGA OLED is designed for monocular, binocular and stereoscopic applications where each display engine must move independently and/or receive a different video signal.
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The SXGA-1012SD DVI supports DVI video input and comes available with built in EDID to ensure proper video card resolution configuration. A USB configuration cable along with PC software enables total control of the OLED via registers settings. All user configuration settings are stored in non-volatile memory. The built-in micro controller is available for custom application requirements such as external brightness control, screen rotation etc. External digital and analog I/O ports are also available for customer applications requirements as well.
It can be powered with as little as +3.5 volts and consumes 250mA, it can even be power from your PC’s USB port.
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